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Welcome Angels!
(6 weeks to 9 months)


The Teachers:

Miss Ellen - with Shepherd's Flock since 2022

Miss Carrie - with Shepherd's Flock since 2022


We provide the following:

  • Personalized care for each child based on their individual needs and schedules.

  • Warm, meaningful interactions provided by loving primary caregivers who are professionals in the early childhood field. Teachers spend one-on-one time with each infant to instill trust and provide a healthy learning environment.

  • Areas for active exploration including soft mats for tummy time and gross motor development mirrors to promote social-emotional development and a variety of different textured books and toys to explore.

  • A separate room for 8 babies a day, with our ratio being 1 staff person for every 4 babies. As the ages of the children vary, so do their schedules. We adhere to individual schedules as the children develop.


Parents will bring:


Either breast milk or formula for feedings, and jar food

Diapers, wipes, and extra clothing

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